Today, June 12, 2015, it was announced that AKB48 Group will collaborate with the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia [SSFA & Asia] to make 'AKB ShortShorts Project'. The press conference was attended by captain NGT48 Kitahara Rie.
The project is titled '9tsu no Mado [9 つ の 窓]', where members of AKB48 will star Group 9 short films, each of which lasted 10 minutes. 4 movie has been completed, while five other films in the process.
Here are four short films that have been completed and the Group AKB48 members who star in it:
■ NGT48 Kitahara Rie - O-Denwa Arigatou Gozaimasu [お 電話 あ り が と う ご ざ い ま す]
■ Snh48 / SKE48 Sae Miyazawa - Kaisou Densha [回想 電車]
■ AKB48 Mogi Shinobu - Akai Ito [赤 い 糸]
■ AKB48 Nakanishi Chiyori - Saori [さ お り]
Source:ConanAtsuko48 and Daily AKB48
Sumber:ConanAtsuko48 dan Daily AKB48
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